Jeff Bailey Founder of Avita Yoga

Jeff Bailey, Boulder, CO founder of Avita Yoga

Jeff Bailey, Boulder, CO founder of Avita YogaA message from Jeff Bailey Founder of Avita Yoga

Life happens…and then somewhere along the way, the “happening” catches up to us and we find that our bodies don’t function with the same ease and comfort that they did in the past. No one can avoid the effects of time and gravity, not to mention the trauma that life inevitably brings to the body and the compensatory patterns they generate in the body. We often ‘chalk it up’ to old age to justify our condition, but you don’t have to fall into that trap! A consistent Avita practice will reverse the effects of time on your body.

Yoga joins

I’m no different than anyone else. I’ve experienced the trials and tribulations of life, but having discovered yoga at the age of 22 I was sourced with the passion for a better way in body and mind. I never subscribed to a particular method but studied most of them to some degree and found that they tend to pull us apart. But by definition, yoga joins. What does this mean? What are we separate from? And then in the fall of 2010 the answer was given and my life has never been the same. My mind was flooded with light. Years of practicing life’s inner work largely with A Course in Miracles as my guide (fittingly in the midst of one of my life’s deepest challenges) I had the outcome I wanted—the same one we ALL want—unconditional peace and joy.

Love will find a way

One of my greatest assets is the ability to understand a concept and then distill it down to the simple details. I’m also very willing to experiment with my life. This set the backdrop for a deep prayer to find a way to recover from a ski accident that severely impacted my hip. Lying on my back one day after a yoga class, I willed a better way. I know that the prayer of the heart is always answered, and the answer came just a few weeks later. The people and circumstances flowed into my life to begin shedding light on this healing path that was later to become Avita Yoga. It came with great challenge but I know that great things come with challenge. I know the power of commitment and I stayed true to my own prayer for a better way the could be shared with all. My mantra in difficult times is, “Love will find a way” and it continues to guide me today.

A gentle resolution

To experience the power and presence of this continuous Guidance is the goal of Avita Yoga. But because this Constant Love is ever-available to all, it cannot be amplified or increased. It must be gently revealed. Like cleaning the lens of a lightbulb that is always fully on, the Avita practice removes the obstacles to the light. The result is a steady and gentle return to the Light and Love we never left, all the while experiencing the side-effects of a healthier, more mobile body. This is what makes Avita Yoga unique. To be effective, the body must become a vehicle to heal the mind which is then reflected back into the body. The mind is not limited to to the space between the ears, it is everywhere. And so, Avita Yoga is the gentle resolution of inner conflict – both physically and nonphysically—a revelation of the power and presence of Self. There’s nothing like it.

What better goal could exist? It’s what makes Avita the yoga of a lifetime, for a lifetime.

Jeff Bailey – Trainings, Certifications

Jeff Bailey holds four yoga teacher certifications: two 200-hour, one 300-hour, and one 500-hour and currently leads 200 and 300 hour Avita Yoga Teacher Training. As a trained Rolfer, Jeff weaves structurally integrative elements into classes and trainings that have practical  applications in life. Jeff brings a diverse background in the yoga traditions of Iyengar, Vinyasa, and Yin and together with his wife Lori, own several yoga studios, Yoga Loft South Boulder and Yoga Loft Gunbarrel – an All Avita Yoga studio in Colorado.

From Jeff

Yoga and the business of yoga is my dharma, a word that aligns us with both practice and purpose. When we find something that works, we naturally want to share it and feel that I have a lot to share.

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Avita Yoga—No sweat.

Avita Yoga no sweat. with avita yoga online from the comfort of your own space

Our population has never been so sedentary, unfit and unhealthy. A recent World Health Organization report indicates that life expectancy in the U.S. dropped for the first time since 1993. Health trends are declining, despite a plethora of advancing medical technologies, and a thriving multibillion dollar health and fitness industry. The trend is obviously not working and yet we keep pushing for more of the same, expecting different and better results. Sounds insane doesn’t it? And now, Avita Yoga no sweat.

Are you ready for a profound and truly helpful shift in perspective?

Of course some seem to have found their niche in one program or another but as a whole, we need a different approach, a new mindset. I hope so because paradigms change only for those who want them. We need to endorse a simpler approach to health—one in which anyone and every body can benefit. Forget about fitness for a while. Just because the images portray tantalizing results, it doesn’t work for most bodies and it may not be working for yours!

Avita Yoga no sweat!

Have you considered that the latest fitness craze may not be suitable for you? No matter how promising the results, what if the program was fundamentally a mismatch for you and your constitution? It happens all the time. People get excited about a new routine and commit for a while, only to feel overwhelmed and frustrated—which inevitably leads to guilt, and because guilt demands punishment, they beat themselves up for not succeeding at something that was never destined to work. Start by letting yourself off the hook. Let go of the specifics and forget about attaining a certain look. You’re reading this because deep down, you want a better way.

Avita is a return to the basics.

Quite simply, Avita is about regaining and maintaining physical mobility and function, which may sound trite when compared to the promises of the latest fitness craze. And it may sound uninteresting until you realize just how much movement potential you’ve already lost. Avita Yoga simultaneously reveals the limitations while providing the remedy to regain the movement. No matter your age, body type or degree of fitness, Avita Yoga will help you regain and then maintain healthy mobility and physical function because at the end of the day (and certainly near the end of a lifetime) mobility is everything!

Mobility throughout the body is critical for two primary reasons.

First, you do want to remain independent and fully capable of taking care of yourself for the rest of your life. With Avita Yoga it is possible to age with dignity and grace. Secondarily, mobility fosters health the same way immobility fosters degeneration and disease. Where there’s movement, there’s adequate blood flow and that means adequate local nutrients for cellular health. The same healthy blood flow eliminates metabolic wastes that are constantly taking place deep in the tissues. Where there’s movement the muscle tissue becomes more supple and relaxed which creates a better environment through which nerves and vessels pass. The number one cause of pain is restricted blood flow, so why not set the goal to have healthy blood flow through every joint in every position?

This is Avita Yoga and it starts exactly where you are today, at the beginning. You can let go of every image and idea you’ve ever had about yoga.

You can do it.

Physically speaking, the goal of Avita is to have full range of motion in every joint, actively and passively (there is an important difference), for the rest of your life. You can have that with Avita Yoga and reap all the extracurricular benefits of it. All you have to do is begin.

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Avita Yoga is a moving meditation that heals in body and mind.

Avita Yoga is a moving meditation that heals in body and mind

There are spiritual or mental practices that are designed to liberate us from the body and world, and there are physical practices designed to make the body more fit and healthy (though fitness and health are two very different things). Rarely do the two mix because the ego will reduce anything and everything to the body. Avita Yoga is a moving meditation that heals in body and mind.

For thousands of years, yoga was about the mind. It was a mental practice—a collection of approaches and practices to liberate the mind from the body. Today, yoga has been turned into a fitness trend that moves the mind into the body thus glorifying the body itself. Search “yoga pose” on the internet and you will see countless images of able-bodied people performing in pristine settings. It’s not wrong. It’s natural to aspire to things we’re good at, but it paints yoga in an image that you have to be young, fit, and able to perform the pose, instead of using it to evolve the health of your body while freeing you from it.

A moving meditation that heals.

Avita Yoga is for those who want a way to stay young and mobile so that they can enjoy the things to which they aspire.

It’s not about the yoga! It’s about the side effects it brings—lasting health and peace.

Avita Yoga is designed to meet you, the aspiring individual that wants a better way, exactly where you are. Avita leads through a step by step series of doable shapes designed to move you from the inside out. And though it often brings quick results, Avita Yoga takes a longterm approach. I make the assumption that every Avita Yoga student will be with me and the practice in 3 to 7 years or more.

Each class is a nearly unnoticeable progression on the previous class.

It is the only yoga I know that is fulfilling on day one and gets easier as time and practice go by. It’s natural to treat Avita like a physical and mental hygiene program. You don’t have to practice every day—just three times a week is enough to bring positive change and keep you youthful in body and spirit.

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Announcing Our Second Avita Yoga Teacher Training

Announcing Our Second Avita Yoga Teacher Training
Announcing Our Second Avita Yoga Teacher Training

I’m pleased to announce that Yoga Loft is hosting its second Avita Yoga Teacher Training! The first one was a huge success and I’m sure this one will be even better. We learn and grow as we go.

Are you inspired by Avita Yoga?

The teacher training is a great way to gain a better understanding of theory and principles which enrich your practice.

Why would I want to participate in an Avita Yoga Teacher Training?

The reasons to participate in Avita Yoga Teacher Training are many and at the top of the list comes the desire to know more about yourself. To know more about oneself, we must work through and understand all the things that are NOT who we are. These obstacles to freedom that we all have, both in body and mind, can be ignored, but they cannot be avoided. We either free ourselves from them, or they take over and get the best of us. In all my 33 years of yoga, never have I found a quicker, more practical way to resolve these issues than Avita Yoga.

Remove barriers and set yourself free

Avita Yoga examines the physical restrictions and the resulting stiffness and pain AND it beautifully addresses the damaging beliefs that limit us in our lives. Instead of seeking mobility, health, clarity and truth, we remove the barriers to these things. It is the highest goal of the training and sharing this process with a group of people seeking the same, is incredibly healing.

In the words of Rumi, “Seek not for love, but find and remove the barriers to love.” This is Avita Yoga!


What else will I learn?

Of course there’s more. You will learn new skills. You will learn how to use your voice. You will learn leadership skills. You will learn practical anatomy and physiology in a fun and inspiring way. You will get 50 class plans for your personal practice, and perhaps teach to others. You will make new friends and have a LOT of fun. Everyone feels nervous and a little afraid, at first but these fears are quickly put to rest when you learn that we are ALL in the same boat.

Need more information?

Why delay the gentle pursuit of lasting freedom and clarity?

If you have the slightest interest, please let us know and we will do our best to help you make a decision.

We hope you’ll join us!

Jeff Bailey
Owner Yoga Loft
Avita Yoga Teacher and Founder